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So I like to Rome around the world…

One time, while working in Japan, I decided to spend a weekend in the Philippines to visit family. One of my cousins asked me about pilgrimages and that she wanted to go on more of them since she had seen me post about my pilgrimage to Nagasaki.

I didn’t know what to tell her.

But at the same time, by that point I had already been on multiple pilgrimages. But not the the major ones most people talk about. As of March 2018, I have never walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain nor have I ever visited the Holy Land.

You see, I’m not your typical pilgrim.

After graduating from college, I became active at my parish as an adult volunteer. Because of serving in ministry, I’ve had the opportunities to chaperone events and pilgrimages to the March for Life in Washington, DC and World Youth Days 2013 and 2016 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and Krakow, Poland, respectively.

Because of these travels, I’ve always made it a point to encounter God and experience the Church no matter where I am in the world.

In the past several years, I traveled frequently to Japan for work. Amidst those travels, I went on multiple, small trips to different places in Japan. Due to these frequent trips to the land of the Rising Sun, I earned frequent flyer status and miles/points, and those gave me reasons to travel more (and maintain my frequent traveler status!).

Working in Japan also helped fund a multitude of other adventures due to extra pay.

But I don’t have that extra cash flow anymore!

To make things more complicated, I tend to be a pretty busy guy pursuing a masters degree while full-time employed. My vacation days are often fully allocated months and months ahead of time.

So I basically don’t have a lot of time to go on pilgrimages these days.

Despite these issues, I still want to go on more pilgrimages. But now that I’m a little more broke and even more busy, I need to be a pilgrim…for less.

I wanted to have a blog where I can share my experiences and practical tips as well as to provide a comprehensive resource to help not only myself, but others like my cousin.

Please, feel free to use this site as a guide and as inspiration. You, too, can go on more pilgrimages, and I will accompany you in your adventures. No time? No money? No problem! Pilgrimages are still possible.

Life can always be more adventurous—but let’s pilgrim for less!

Want to learn more about pilgrimages and how to go on them for less time and money? Subscribe below!